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but none’s gonna dance with me
但谁还会与我共舞?  detail>>
it‘s gonna be me
它是我  detail>>
never gonna dance
只为卿舞  detail>>
are you gonna be in love with me
你愿与我共浴爱河吗  detail>>
youre gonna miss me
你会想念我  detail>>
dance with me
跟我起舞吧 跟我跳舞吧 和我跳舞 与我伴舞 与我共舞  detail>>
none of this worries me
这事一点不使我着急  detail>>
gonna go find me a rainbow
我将要为自己找寻一轮彩虹  detail>>
nothing gonna stop me now
神气活现  detail>>
who’s gonna talk to me on the phone
谁会陪我讲电话  detail>>
but none of them will comfort me tonight
但今夜它们都不能给我安慰  detail>>
i’m never gonna dance again
我将再也不会跳舞  detail>>
so i’m never gonna dance again
我将再也不能跳舞 因此我将再也不能  detail>>
brother, come and dance with me
来跟我一起跳舞吧 兄弟,来和我跳舞  detail>>
brother,come and dance with me
咱们来跳舞  detail>>
come dance with me
与我共舞  detail>>
dance me love
舞动我的爱  detail>>
dance only with me
只与我共舞  detail>>